

BSB – Burgundy School of Business : A priviledged partner

Our collaboration with BSB and its students

At the Affranchis Club event on March 18, we had the opportunity to welcome some fifteen representatives from the Burgundy School of Business, members of the BSB Alumni network or from the administration. They joined Club members to discover the DIVINEO vintages and spirit. It is no coincidence, since the Dijon business school has been associated with the project since its inception.

BSB and DIVINEO share common values: a spirit of innovation and ambition to break new ground, and a desire to implement meaningful, environmentally-friendly projects. Combined with the school’s academic reputation, particularly in the wine sector, this partnership is a valuable support.

BSB School of Wine and Spirits Business

It takes the form of working groups with students from the School of Wine & Spirits Business. We already did this last year, and have repeated the experience this year with new students. They are contributing to the activation of the Affranchis Wine Club or the creation of our e-commerce site, for example. Other BSB students will soon be joining us to think about financial issues.

Working with future industry players gives us a fresh, innovative perspective on our projects. What’s more, these working groups give rise to new ideas and aspirations. The aim is also to enable BSB students to practice on subjects that correspond to their own career plans.

In fact, our Managing Director Gauthier Girardon was himself part of the group of BSB students who worked for DIVINEO last year! DIVINEO is first and foremost a human adventure, made up of encounters, and this project is a fine example of this.

Our partnership with the BSB will continue and develop in the years to come, with new working groups. We can’t wait to see what great things come out of it!

DIVINEO, four-hands creations

Photos: Burgundy School of Business